LENGERICH MEATS 3095 Van Horn Street . Zanesville, IN 260-638-4123 www.lengerichmeats.com Monday- Wednesday - 8am to 5pm Thursday and Friday - 8am to 6pm Saturday - 8am to 1pm We Accept Food Stam Prices Good Monday, April 8th thru Saturday, April 13th, 2019 $2.19 LB $5.19 LB Beef Sirloin Tip Roast....$5.69 LB Ham Ends (while they last) Boneless Smoked Pork Chops. FROM THE DELI: $3.89 LB. $6.09 LB. Habanero Jack Cheese SIDES OF BEEF AVAILABLE AT MARKET PRICE Whole or Half Hog - $2.19 Ib www.lengerichmeats.com