THRIVENT FINANCIAL CD MATURING? Do you have a certificate of deposit (CD) that's about to come due? Will your new CD's interest rate keep up with taxes and inflation? Thrivent Financial offers a range of financial products designed to fit your everchanging Agnes A Schoch ChFCe, FIC Brian Clemons Financial Associate 260-706-3213 260-724-4144 eds and help you reach your financial goals. Call today 203 N 12th St Decatur, IN 46733 Thrivent Financial represertatives and employees cannot provide legal, accounting, or tax advice or services. Work with your Thrivent Financial representative, and as appropriate, your attomey and/or tax professional for additional infommation. Investing in secunities involves risks such as fluctuating principal, and they may lose value. CDs offer a fised rate of retum. The value of a CD is guaranteed up to $250,000 per depostor by the Federal Deposit Insuranoe Corp. (FDICL an agency of the federal govenmment Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Enancial for Lutherans, Appleton, W. Not all products are aalable in alil states. Securities and investment advisory servioes are offered through Thrivent nvestment Management Inc. 825 Fourth Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent. Thrivert inancial represertatives are regstered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management linc They are also licensed insurance agents/producers of Theivent. For addtional important information, visit Thrivent.cony/disclosures. 25979 R9-16